The frustrated apprentice had a hard time getting his colours right. Test swatches littered the floor. He knew he was years away from becoming a true screen legend.
He cracked open new tubs of ink like there was no tomorrow. Using only his hands where others less passionate used lid opening tools, he took in the pools of swirling colour and fumes.
The posters started communicating to him. Simple one colour and duotone jobs taunting him that they were colourless. He knew he had developed systems that gave gamuts far beyond the so-called full colour jobs. The apprentice had a sudden urge to rip up proofs and job sheets.
A two colour news screen fell to the floor. As the apprentice checked it out he noticed that the the big sans serif block letters were moving. At first all he could discern were jumbled messages. And then he saw it. The headline read, ‘Super Poster Hits The Streets, Apprentice Unites World’. He knew what had to be done.
With less precautions than normal, he took to cleaning and preparing the ‘talking’ screen. The percussive sounds of the storm battering the factory roof was away in the distance. He was fervent on his mission to create the greatest of all posters. A wild young man dreaming of colour and typography.
The storm abated and an eery silence spread as he finished with the screen and was about to commit to transforming what he now knew to be ordinary posters into campaign weapons of mass instruction. But before he could get to the pre-press area to produce the enhanced artwork, a sudden explosion of colourful lights left him dazed and in pain.
The factory seemed quiet for a long time, until it roared into life. Paper and ink flying … in the right directions. Super posters of the most intense colours were pumping out everywhere, the racks overburdened with huge and colourful poster campaigns. Even the digital printer was knocking out A0s like never before. The whirring print heads seemed possessed. Few would know that in less than one minute Super Poster Dude had written new print drivers and colour management software.
That fateful night was the start of the legend. Some try to catch glimpses of him as he flies out of the factory, leaving the industrial backlots behind in the wee small hours of the morning. And before the sun rises, his amazing street posters will radiate in the busiest thoroughfares of Australia.